MEM1E series electronic plastic case dircutbreaker (hereinatter refered to as circuitbreaker),
suitable for AC 50Hz (or60Hz), ts ratedinsulation voltage is 100V, ratedworkingvolage is 400Vand
below, and the rated woriking curentis 1250A. Infrequent switching andinirequent startingol the
motor. The crcuit breaker has overload long delay reverse time limi,shot circuit short delay reverse
time imit, short circuitshort delay time limi, shot circuitinstantaneous and under vollage protedion
unctions, and residiual curent protection (optiona), phase loss protection tunction (optional), can
Protecthe circuit and power supply from damage,the cicuit breaker has omplete and accurate
protection features, wihich can improve therelability of powersupply and avoid unnecesary power
outages Among them, the 'Z, B' type control has a communiation interace, which can perform
"four remote". To meet the requirements of the control center and automation system.